


"Open Up" prompt cards by Engage (Adelaide, Australia) 1
Festive FrocksFestive Frocks

    Bluey Boronia

    "Open Up" prompt cards by Engage (Adelaide, Australia)

    AUD $ 41.95AUD $
    This beautifully crafted game is designed to encourage people - and particularly those at a later stage in life - to “Open Up” and share their stories and memories through conversations. It includes a set of 100+ elegantly illustrated cards to help trigger memories and reflect on life and stories through associations.  It can be played between family members, friends, solo or in a care setting. “Open Up” creates the space and time for people to converse, share, feel and above all, connect. Specifications: Age: 16+ Minutes: 20-80 Players: 1-9+ Cards: 104 Printed and packaged in Australia Box Dimensions: 128mm (height) x 90mm (width) x 45 (depth) Instructions included A great tool for:  Occupational Therapists Psychologists Diversional Therapists  Socials Workers Care Workers Concept: George Gouzounis Illustrations: Handyta Anindyasarathi
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